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The first day of Hamato Yamashita

My 1st day at Escuela Falcon

I am Hayato Yamashita and i am Japanese. I arrived in Mexico City on June 3rd, and now my life here in Guanajuato has started.
Today, my first day of classes and internship started at Escuela Falcon. In the morning, I had grammar, salsa, and conversation classes. I loved all classes because teachers are very nice and my classmates have totally different backgrounds. Before taking classes, I thought that I would be studying with kids because my Spanish is at the beginner level. (I studied Spanish for only one month by myself). In fact, my classmates are all adults. In my classes, there is a retired American woman who lived in Mexico for six months and just decided to learn Spanish here at Escuela Falcon. Also, there is an Indian woman who moved to Mexico recently due to her husband´s job. Surprisingly, class sizes are very small- there are around three to five students in my classes. Due to the small classes, I felt free to ask any questions, and teachers answered them sincerely. I believe that this is a great place to study Spanish, and this is the learning place that I have been looking for. By taking this place, I really want to appreciate Hiromi Narita who connected me with this great language school and people here.

My today’s favorite class was salsa. I learned very basic steps and turns. I found salsa very fascinating. In the beginning, my steps were very unsteady. After thirty minutes, however, my hidden dancing spirit finally woke up and started to catch up the steps immediately. I mastered all steps that I learned today and am looking forward to taking tomorrow’s salsa class. I feel that my salsa skills are more rapidly improving than my Spanish.
In the afternoon, I got a brief explanation of my internship and started working on designing advertisements and some long-term projects. This is my first internship in my life and designing is something which I have never done before. I really want to accomplish all jobs with my full passion and responsibility.

¡Hasta luego!